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Vault Permissions#

Vault Policy Overview#

The tables below shocase access for each user group within Vault.

Admin Access Control Table#

Permission CESI General Users CESI Admin Users Central Admin Users1 Central Admin Users Escalation1 Description
* ✔ RL ✔ CRUDLSP ❌ ✔ * Overall access to namespaces auth & secrets engines
sys/* ❌ DENY ❌ DENY Deny broad access to sys path
auth/* ❌ DENY Deny broad access to auth path
sys/namespaces/* ❌ ❌ ✔ RL ✔ * View namespaces
auth/token/* ❌ ❌ ✔ RUDL ✔ * Manage tokens
auth/token/revoke ❌ ❌ ✔ CU ✔ * Revoke tokens
sys/leases/* ✔ RL ✔ CRUDLS ✔ CRUDL ✔ * Manage leases
sys/health ❌ ❌ ✔ RS ✔ * View vault health
identity/* ✔ RL ✔ RDL ✔ RL ✔ * View vault identities & groups
identity/entity/* ✔ RDL ✔ * View and delete entities
identity/group/* ✔ RUL ✔ * View and update vault groups
sys/sync/* ❌ ✔ CRUD ❌ ✔ * Manage Secrets Sync

1 Central Admin permissions apply to all namespaces.

Auth Access Control Table#

Permission CESI General Users CESI Admin Users Central Admin Users1 Central Admin Users Escalation1 Description
sys/auth ✔ R ✔ R ✔ R ✔ * List auth methods
sys/auth/* ✔ R ✔ CRUDS ❌ ✔ * Manage auth methods2
auth/+/role ✔ L ✔ L ✔ * List auth roles
auth/+/role/* ✔ R ✔ R ✔ * Manage auth roles
auth/+/config/* ✔ R ✔ R ✔ * Manage auth configs

1 Central Admin permissions apply to all namespaces.

2All auth methods excluding human auth methods: ldap, github, saml, userpass & okta.

Policy Access Control Table#

Permission CESI General Users CESI Admin Users Central Admin Users1 Central Admin Users Escalation1 Description
sys/policies/acl ✔ L ✔ L ✔ L ✔ * List policies
sys/policies/acl/* ✔ R ✔ CRUDLS ✔ R ✔ * Manage policies2
sys/policies/acl/central_admin_escalation_access ❌ ❌ ✔ UR3 ✔ * Elevate privileges

1 Central Admin permissions apply to all namespaces.

2 CESI Admin Users are blocked from editing central_admin_access, central_admin_escalation_access, CESI_admin_access & CESI_user_access policies.

3 Central Admin Users can add whatever policies to this ACL that are needed to elevate privileges.

Secrets Mounts Access Control Table#

Permission CESI General Users CESI Admin Users Central Admin Users1 Central Admin Users Escalation1 Description
sys/mounts ✔ R ✔ R ✔ R ✔ * List secrets engines
sys/mounts/* ✔ RL ✔ CRUDLS ❌ ✔ * Manage secrets engines 2
sys/mounts/secret ✔ RUL ❌ ✔ * Prevent deletion of secrets mount
secret/* ✔ CRUDLP ❌ ✔ * CRUDL Secrets 3

1 Central Admin permissions apply to all namespaces.

2 All secrets engines excluding AD & LDAP.

3 General users have CRUDL access only to the pre-created kv-v2 engine mounted at secret/*. Administrative users have wide access to all secrets engines through the * permission in the Admin Access Control Table

Permission Types#

  • C - Create
  • R - Read
  • U - Update
  • D - Delete
  • L - List
  • S - Sudo
  • P - Patch

Policy Priority Matching#

For two policies (P1 & P2) that both apply to a certain path, the following conditions are evaluated to determine which policy has a higher priority and is thus applied. Once a condition is matched, that condition is applied and the rest are not evaluated.

  1. If the first wildcard (+) or glob (*) occurs earlier in P1, P1 is lower priority
  2. If P1 ends in * and P2 doesn't, P1 is lower priority
  3. If P1 has more + (wildcard) segments, P1 is lower priority
  4. If P1 is shorter, it is lower priority
  5. If P1 is smaller lexicographically, it is lower priority

See HashiCorp Developer Documentation for more info.